With BQ-Rohrsysteme you decide for a German product, produced under German standards, according to German DIN 8077/8078, DIN EN 15874. The high-quality material PP-R is suitable for drinking water applications as well as for heating installations and for air-condition systems. In comparison to other thermoplastics like PE and PVC PP owns a temperature resistance up to 100 °C (for a short time up to 120 °C for systems without pressure).
PP-R shows a clearly better blow toughness in comparison to PP-H. For BQ-Rohrsysteme products we use only first grade PP-R quality. We can keep our quality promises compared those who use non spec or spot market qualities.
No servicing required, corrosion-free material, high impact resistance
even at low temperatures, prevention of microbiological growth
characteristics according DIN EN 14366 / DIN 4109.
Soundproofing according to DIN EN 14366/DIN 4109 and application class BD
for gravity drainage systems inside and outside of buildings in accordance to EN 1451-1.
BQSanitärPlus provides chemical resistance by pipes and fittings made of PP according to DIN 8078 and leak proofness according EN 1451-1.
automatically with the priority of temperature before water Level.
The over-temperature shutdown is a separate control circuit
that ensures that the heaters function reliably, even in the event of a fault.
According to following standards:
• ISO 1167
• ASTM D 1598
• ASTM D 1599
Our pipes pass the required 1000 h pressure test with over incomparable 4000 h in the IPT test baths.
DVGW W 544 for plastic pipes and fittings for drinking water installations.
This includes also regularly tests according to KTW and W270 regulations.